Shield Your Family from the Dangers of 5G, WiFi, Cellphone & EMFs – Motherhood Unstressed Podcast with Liz Carlile

Motherhood Unstressed Podcast with Liz CarlilePodcast Interview – Motherhood Unstressed Podcast with Liz Carlile

For this episode, certified health coach and TEDx speaker Liz Carlile talks to DefenderShield founder Daniel DeBaun about EMF radiation and how it can biologically impact our bodies, specifically in women and children. Liz is a Top 50 Podcast host, speaker, and entrepreneur who has developed her own line of CBD supplements. In her Motherhood Unstressed podcast, Liz interviews experts of all types, including revolutionary authors, doctors, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, life coaches, and spiritual gurus. Her goal is to garner key insights from their unique life experiences to help others live in the present by increasing happiness and reducing stress.

Liz spoke with Daniel about the science of electric fields & emissions, the biological impact of smartphones, tablets and WiFi, the impact of 5G and blue light, and—most importantly—solutions for protecting you and your kids from electromagnetic radiation. Daniel is an internationally recognized expert on EMF-related health issues, co-founder of DefenderShield, and co-author of Radiation Nation – Complete Guide Book to EMF Protection & Safety. He’s spent his 30+ year career as a telecom engineer, holding many executive positions before transitioning to helping others protect themselves against electronic emissions from our mobile devices. He is passionate in his current focus on electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation exposures from these electronic devices.

Enjoy the show!

Topics Covered:

  • The science of electromagnetic fields and emissions
  • The biological impact of phones, tablets, and WiFi on children
  • Solutions for protecting you and your kids from electromagnetic radiation
  • Weakened fertility
  • Women’s greater sensitivity to EMF’s
  • Why isn’t exposure common knowledge?




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