Scientific Studies on the Health Effects of EMFs

Electronic devices like cell phones seem to have been around for a while, but the first smartphone didn’t come out until 2007—less than 15 years ago!

As a result, smartphones and other modern mobile devices haven’t been around long enough for us to see their long-term effects. It may take as many as 30 years of focused study to pinpoint how cell phone radiation affects our health. However, the growing body of scientific research has indicated that electronic emissions do, in fact, have an effect on human biology (amongst other effects on the planet).

A majority of this research shows associations between EMF radiation and adverse biological effects, with a handful of notable publications finding evidence of causal effects, seen below.

  • International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

    The main objective of the ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electric Fields publication is to establish guidelines for limiting EMF exposure that will provide protectionagainst known adverse health effects. An adverse health effect causes detectable impairment of the healthof the exposed individual or of his or her offspring a biological effect, on the other hand, may ormay not result in an adverse health effect.

  • The Ramazzini Institute (RI) Study

    The Ramazzini Institute (RI) performed a life-span carcinogenic study on Sprague-Dawley rats to evaluate the carcinogenic effects of RFR generated by 1.8 GHz GSM antenna of the radio base stations of mobile phone. This is the largest long-term study ever performed in rats on the health effects of RFR, including 2448 animals. The RI findings on far field exposure to RFR are consistent with and reinforce the results of the NTP study on near field exposure, as both reported an increase in the incidence of tumors of the brain and heart in RFR-exposed Sprague-Dawley rats. These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. 

  • National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study

    The 10-year, $25 millio National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Radiation Study, researchers found that rats exposed to RFradiation had higher rates of glioma (a type of brain tumor), as well as malignant schwannoma (a very rare heart tumor),than unexposed rats.

  • 012 BioInitiative Report

    The 2012 BioInitiative Report documents bioeffects, adverse health effects and public health conclusions about impacts of non-ionizing radiation Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) including Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Radio Frequency (RF) The Radio Frequency (RF) Studies Char summarizes studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI-FI, ‘smart’ wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones.

  • On the other hand, some research has shown insignificant effects. While this research is just as important to consider as research showing significant effects, it is interesting to note that most of this research is funded by the cell phone industry, or those with a vested interest in the cell phone industry. Many independent scientists, such as Dr. Martin Pall, have found this research to be biased or designed to fail.

    For example, Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, found that “of industry funded studies, only 27% found an RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation) effect. Independently funded studies found an RFR effect 68% of the time. This discrepancy is consistent among the effects listed.”

    The long-term effects of cell phone radiation exposure will be better understood as the technologies continue to be a part of our lives along with our maturing scientific understanding. More studies are needed, yet enough data has been found for major health organizations to issue warnings. Even in manufacturer’s electronic device manuals, it is mentioned that radiation exposure should be minimized for safety’s sake.

    As we await more research, we are left with a personal decision to make. If we can limit EMF radiation exposure, why wouldn’t we?

    The following is a list of health concerns linked to Electromagnetic Radiation exposure and a synopsis of current research findings:


Aside from the health effects of EMF emissions coming from our devices, other concerns are present, such as hacking wireless data and interrupting weather forecasting frequencies.



It’s not just about our health. Just as the industrial revolution created a now-irreversible impact on our plants, animals, and planet, the digital revolution is looking to do the same.



Chronic exposure to EMF radiation, coupled with a vulnerable or deficient immune system, can lead to Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, or EHS. This can cause anything from headaches & tingling hands to full-body functional impairment.



Cell damage and mutation can lead to cancer, a potentially life-changing illness. But can EMF radiation really cause it? Statistically significant data from big studies are showing yes, it can.



Tinnitus, classified as a “ringing-in-the-ears”, is when sound is perceived without being present. Having an electronic device close to your ear might be sending electromagnetic frequencies into your ear that can stimulate false auditory signals.



The largest organ of the body, our skin can be significantly impacted by EMF frequencies, especially 5G. Different frequencies of EMF energy can create Toasted Skin Syndrome, burns and rashes, tingling hands, and premature skin aging.



EMF can affect our endocrine, nervous, and immune systems, by creating oxidative stress in tissues and organs that keep our body in a healthy balance. EMF interrupts these body processes, making us feel foggy, irritable, depressed, and even ill.



From before birth through young adulthood, children are more susceptible to the effects of EMF and technology, and this can lead to several developmental and biological impairments.



The heat from a laptop can kill sperm, but did you know that EMF radiation can damage sperm integrity, hormones, cells, and their DNA, promoting infertility in both men & women? These changes can also affect the development of a fetus.



EMF and Blue Light can mess up your Melatonin production and lower the amount and quality of restful sleep. Coffee, anyone?