Electromagnetic Radiation is EMF radiation, or EMR. However, EMF radiation is what we commonly call the lower-energy radiation that enables electricity to function. Namely microwave-frequency radiation, which is interchangeable with radio wave-frequency radiation (RF), and extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation. These frequencies range from 30 Hz to 300 GHz. The resulting current from these waves can create action, such as computer microprocessors communicating. Scientists have been able to harvest this energy to make awesome tools for mankind like computers and the Internet. RF gives your phone a wireless connection, while ELF powers its internal circuitry.
In the modern age, EMF surrounds us when we turn on our TVs, cell phones, tablets and laptops. In the words of Neo from the Matrix, “it is everywhere.” We need it to listen to the radio, navigate to a new place, communicate with people on phones or laptops, power our homes, and even blow dry our hair! Anything that needs a plug or battery is emitting some EMF energy.
When you expose yourself to these forms of low-level energy radiation should you be worried? They are, after all, on the left side of the spectrum and visible light is safe. While visible light might be higher on the spectrum that RF and ELF frequencies, it has also been around naturally for millions of years. Man-made EMF has only been around for the past hundred, and our bodies aren’t as equipped to protect against it.
Unfortunately, even at the low end of the spectrum, radiation can be dangerous, and in some ways, even more dangerous. The reason being, you don’t necessarily see danger right away when the changes it cause take time. While the waves are sorted out on a spectrum, that doesn’t mean their effects on humans are similarly sorted.
As with anything, a little bit of radiation may be good for you, but too much radiation creates poison.
You may immediately notice the damage of high level of energy radiation, but lower level energy radiation can have just as serious side effects.
It was thought by the scientific community for a long time that the only way lower level energy radiation can cause harm is by the energy having a thermal effect on our bodies; basically, with high power levels this low-energy radiation is able to heat up our cells and tissues, and cause heat damage. It wasn’t thought that biological effects could be present without a paralleled heating effect.
However, new research has established that biological effects on cells do exist, regardless of any heating effects!
This shows that it is possible for lower-energy radiation, like that coming from cell phones and laptops, to affect our bodies. This level of Radio Frequency and Extremely Low Frequency radiation exposure has already been linked to a variety of health conditions, including: fertility problems, cancer, and neurological disease.
While it doesn’t have quite the health effects of atomic warfare, small effects in cells can interfere with cell communication, the transport of hormones and neurotransmitters, and can eventually shift entire processes in your body. It can become a serious problem with chronic exposure, but it is something that is easy to mitigate in your daily living, even as the world becomes more and more hyper-connected.