Over the past two decades, we have witnessed the digitization of the world, due to the explosion of mobile electronic devices and increased wireless networks and data. Our extended use of these devices, coupled with how close they are to our bodies most of the day, exposes us to increased levels of Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation (EMF).
Many studies have revealed a link between the use of these types of technological devices and various forms of illness, due to a breakdown at the cellular level and interference in cell communication.
The effects are linked to chronic disease states, ADHD, Tinnitus, insomnia, Autism, Cancer, mental illnesses like depression, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and problems related to focus, memory, and attentiveness. EMF studies have repeatedly shown gene mutations and DNA fragmentation, which can cause cell mutation and cancer. Children are particularly at risk from EMF exposure, because a child’s body absorbs more EMF than an adult’s and is still developing.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) believes we need to do a better job at understanding these adverse biological health effects. They have documented genetic damage, reproductive defects, cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous system dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, and many visible body symptoms.
Below, we’ve listed 10 different impacts of EMF radiation coming from electronic devices, ranging from personal biological effects to effects on public health and the environment.