Science of EMFs, WiFi, & Cell Phone Radiation with Daniel DeBaun – Going Crunchy Not Crazy Podcast
Podcast Interview – Going Crunchy Not Crazy Podcast with Megan Whitaker

Megan Whitaker from the Going Crunchy Not Crazy Podcast is a Health Coach and Holistic Living Expert who has a healthy living blog. On her podcast, Whitaker talks to Daniel DeBaun about EMF radiation to help unravel the research and understand the science behind EMFs, WiFi, and cell phones.
Daniel DeBaun worked for major telecom corporations as an executive & lead engineer for 30+ years. He started DefenderShield after failing to find EMF protection products for his sons. His book Radiation Nation, which he coauthored with his son Ryan DeBaun, breaks down the history, science, & proven health risks of EMFs.
Listen to Dan and Megan on the Going Crunchy Not Crazy Podcast to delve more into the science surrounding EMF radiation!
Topics Covered:
- 5G – will it be worse than what we have now?
- WiFi – how it works and its dangers
- Cell Phones – how they connect wirelessly
- How EMFs affect our health – the studies and research showing harmful effects
- Best ways to protect yourself
Enjoy the show!