Defend Yourself Against EMF Exposure: Decoding Superhuman Podcast

Podcast Interview – Decoding Superhuman with Boomer Anderson

Decoding Superhuman

Every electronic device you use is emitting harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) into your body. And since escaping technology is not an option. Humans must protect themselves and their DNA. On this episode of the Decoding Superhuman Podcast,telecom industry insider, co-author of the EMF book Radiation Nation, and DefenderShield co-founder, Daniel DeBaun describes how electromagnetic fields affect us, the health risk they pose, and how you can protect yourself.

What is Electromagnetic Field or EMF?

EMFs are how devices communicate. Every device generates waves in order to talk with each other whether it be WIFI, Bluetooth, 4G, 5G etc. — any transmission that emits electronic and magnetic waves.

Key Highlights of the discussion:

  • How EMF affects human cells <7:21>
  • Electromagnetic sensitivity <10:36>
  • Immune system exposure <16:55>
  • The correlation between frontal lobe cancer and heart conditions <21:11>
  • The potential impacts of 5G <23:29>
  • How to protect yourself from EMF exposure <31:38>

Enjoy the show!



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