EMF Book – Radiation Nation: The Complete Guide Book to EMF Protection

EMF Book – Radiation Nation: The Complete Guide Book to EMF Protection

EMF Book - Radiation Nation: Complete Guide to EMF Radiation Protection & Safety

Written by the founders of DefenderShield, Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology Sheds Light on Global Health Issue


You eat organic and non-GMO food. You only drink purified water. You take care of yourself and your family’s health. But could there be a silent, invisible danger causing potential harm to you and your loved ones?


There could. And it’s called Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation.


Constant exposure to EMF radiation produced by modern technology such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, Wi-Fi and smart meters is one of the fastest growing health issues facing our society today.


The scientific community’s understanding of the health effects of EMF radiation continues to evolve. In fact, it has changed rapidly just within the past five years.


New studies on the subject are being released almost on a daily basis. Research has linked EMF radiation exposure to everything from minor pains like headaches, to very serious concerns, such as fertility problems and cancer.


For example, males who used laptops for only a few hours showed reduced sperm count, women who placed cell phones in their bras developed tumors in the breasts, and regular cell phone users have developed rare forms of brain tumors.


This is just the tip of the iceberg – and a lot to digest. The information can be overwhelming and is sometimes difficult to make sense of.


About Radiation Nation


After we started DefenderShield®, we noticed there wasn’t one complete source for information regarding the EMF radiation safety issue. There just aren’t any clear and concise books that laid out the whole problem and what you need to do to protect yourself. Well, we are changing that.


Almost immediately after our journey at DefenderShield® began, we became a resource for people who had nowhere else to turn. We have spent countless hours on the phone with customers, answering all types of questions. We have now helped thousands of people across around the globe, while continuing to build our knowledge base of understanding. Our path led us here, and now we are going to pass along this information to you.


“To find out more about this topic, read this book – it is written by two genuine experts but for any layman to easily enjoy. The authors explain the current science so well so even I – as a scientist – learned more!”

– Dr. Olle Johansson, Ph.D.


Over the past several years, we’ve worked incredibly hard to write an easy-to-understand guide to the health risks associated with EMF radiation exposure. We think of the book, Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, as the ultimate EMF safety primer, offering an up-to-date overview of the entire issue.


When asked about Radiation Nation, Dr. Olle Johansson, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and world-leader in EMF research, said, “To find out more about this topic, read this book – it is written by two genuine experts but for any layman to easily enjoy. The authors explain the current science so well so even I – as a scientist – learned more!


Education is key. With a foreword by world famous biohacker and Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey, Radiation Nation is information-packed with all the essential tools you need to make smart choices and stay safe when using modern technology.


In Radiation Nation, you will learn:


  • What EMF radiation is and how it affects the body biologically
  • The major health risks including fertility issues for both men and women, DNA damage, cell mutation, cancer and other serious health risks
  • The latest scientific studies broken down by disease or condition
  • How EMF radiation specifically affects children and those suffering with electromagnetic hypersensitivity
  • Why the current safety standards for EMF are insufficient and need to be rewritten
  • The EMF sources of greatest concern
  • The most practical precautions you can take for yourself and your loved ones


If you are going to buy one book on EMF radiation safety, this is it. As Ben Greenfield put it, “I cannot recommend this book highly enough if you care about your own health and that of your families in our modern era.”


Each chapter will give you new insights so you can make wise decisions for yourself and family. According to Gray Graham, President and Founder of the Nutritional Therapy Association, “Radiation Nation not only helps us to understand the dangers but also teaches us how to safely use the technologies we have grown to love.”


We are extremely excited to share Radiation Nation with all of you. Learn more, and order your copy of Radiation Nation today.

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