Koya Webb & Elise Joan on Yoga Girls Reality Show Features DefenderShield

Since we look at full holistic health and body performance here at DefenderShield, we believe that yoga can be an important part of healthy lifestyle and practice yoga ourselves.
So we couldn’t be more excited when DefenderShield was featured on an episode of Yoga Girls, the hit reality show airing on the Z Living network.
Yoga Girls follows two groups of Yoga enthusiasts based in Los Angeles – one completely embracing the new world of technology and social media, and the other, yoga traditionalists, not ready to give in to the modern world.
Instagram girls Caley Joyner, Elise Joan, Jackie Smyth, Koya Webb, and Sophie Jaffe are taking Instagram and the yoga world by storm.
However yoga traditionalists Vytas Baskauskas, Jesse Schein, and Calvin Corzine try to hold on to their old world beliefs in a modern, technology-driven world.
Be sure to check out Yoga Girls, airing on the Z Living Network!
Koya Webb & Elise Joan Discuss DefenderShield
Elise Joan & Koya Webb Talk More About Defendershield
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