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Rebel Guide: Daniel DeBaun of DefenderShield Shares the Dangers of EMFs–Rebel Scientist Podcast

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Podcast Interview–Rebel Scientist Podcast with Sarah Turner and Russ Eisenman


Sarah Turner, also known as ‘The Rebel Scientist’, dedicates her time experimenting with every radical new approach to health. Through her science research background and her inquisitive mind, she has the ability to communicate scientific ideas with a passion. She is also the co-founder and head of science at CeraThrive – a health technology company with products that heal the body and promote optimal functioning, with a focus on brain issues and the gut-brain connection.


Russ Eisenman, a novice Biohacker whose motto is, “scared of everything but willing to try anything,” joins Sarah on Rebel Scientist by sharing his fears, pains, and growth as Sarah’s “personal lab rat.” He is the founder of Acacia Stone, and has frequent guest appearances on a number of podcasts.


Together, Sarah and Russ created the world’s first practical guide to Biohacking via their podcast, ‘Rebel Scientist.’ Recently ranked top 10 Biohacking podcasts on Feedspot, each episode dives deep into the newest trends of wellness, nutrition, sleep, red light and more through interviews and discussions with some of the world’s most prolific thought-leaders, visionaries, and experts in health and performance.


On this episode of Rebel Scientist, Sarah and Russ interview Daniel DeBaun as he shares his expertise on the dangers that can come from EMF radiation emitting from mobile devices and everyday technology such as your computers, smartphones, tablets, and more. They dive deep into some of the health effects that can come from overexposure, and give tips on ways you can mitigate your risk.


Daniel is an expert in electromagnetic fields (EMF) and related health issues, focusing on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Daniel’s concern grew from over thirty years of engineering experience working with EMF frequencies in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T, and Bell Labs. He is also the co-author of Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology.


Enjoy the show!






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