EMF Radiation and Cell Phones – The 95.3 WBCK Morning Show with Tim Collins
Radio Interview – The 95.3 WBCK Morning Show with Tim Collins

EMF Radiation and Cell Phones
Serving Battle Creek, Michigan, 95.3 WBCK is Kalamazoo/Battle Creek’s #1 News Talk Station. 95.3 WBCK covers everything from local news stories to unique and interesting things you never even knew existed. The WBCK Morning Show goes live at 6:00am local time to discuss everything you need to get your day started right. Tim Collins, the host of the WBCK Morning Show, welcomes local, state, and national news makers to discuss issues and current events.
On the April 30, 2021 Morning Show Segment, Collins interviews DefenderShield CEO and EMF Expert Daniel DeBaun.
Daniel is an expert in EMF radiation and shielding technologies, focusing on the effect of exposure from mobile electronic devices. Daniel’s concern grew from over thirty years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T, and Bell Labs. He wrote Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology along with his son and DefenderShield co-founder, Ryan DeBaun.
This 20 minute interview gives a brief overview of how our EMF radiation exposure has increased over the years. Now, we are facing chronic exposure to devices we use 24/7. Daniel discusses how close you should be to your devices, researched effects of direct body contact with EMF emissions, and how dangerous prolonged EMF exposure really is–specifically for kids.
Tim and Daniel also discuss how phones have transformed over the years, and if analog or digital signals are worse for our bodies and cells. Is Tim’s 32 years of working in an AM/FM transmitting radio station wreaking havoc on his health? Are 5G frequencies even considered in outdated national and world EMF exposure standards? Find out that and more below.
Enjoy the interview!