Next Level Living Podcast with Chrissy Helmer

EMF & 5G Radiation Toxins in Our Environment – Next Level Living Podcast

Next Level Living Podcast with Chrissy Helmer

Podcast Interview – Next Level Living with Chrissy Helmer


DefenderShield founder Daniel DeBaun talks with Chrissy Helmer on the the Next Level Living podcast about 5G and how toxins such as EMF radiation from technology can be harming our health.


Chrissy Helmer is a wife and mom of three. She is the owner of Eco Chic, a holistic wellness boutique, founder of Flourish Health Summit, author of Healing thru Wisdom, a book with a section on EMF radiation. On her podcast, Chrissy interviews experts on pivotal perspectives, transparency, and successful strategies that will launch you into the next level of your life, relationships, purpose & health.


In this podcast, Chrissy interviews Daniel, author of best-selling book Radiation Nation. Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) and protection from these emissions. As a former telecommunications engineer at Bell Labs and AT&T, Daniel has a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, iPads and cell phones.


In this podcast episode, Chrissy and Daniel discuss:

  • EMF as an environmental toxin
  • Natural vs. Unnatural sources of EMF radiation
  • Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and how Chrissy is affected by technology
  • Technology Overload and Chronic Exposure to EMF Radiation
  • How technology emits radiation
  • Researched effects and symptoms of EMF on the body
  • Blue Light and its effects on the body
  • Limiting all environmental toxins, or the bees in the room
  • Children and technology use
  • 5G implementation and government policy
  • How to be proactive at home in mitigating EMF radiation


Enjoy the show!






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