Anti-Aging Hacks with Faraz Khan

Are Your Mobile Phone and Other Devices Slowly Killing You? – Anti-Aging Hacks Podcast

Podcast Interview – Anti-Aging Hacks with Faraz Khan

Anti-Aging Hacks with Faraz Khan


Daniel DeBaun, DefenderShield co-founder, talks to Faraz Khan about our current EMF radiation exposure levels from mobile devices. They discuss EMF radiation’s link to illnesses and various health conditions, and if they can actually damage our bodies long-term.


Anti-Aging Hacks is a podcast centered on interviewing top experts in anti-aging and longevity. Its goal is to share information on how to slow down aging and feel younger, have more energy, get better skin, manage our stress and improve our hormones. Khan discusses the natural or medical solutions, bio-hacks, and pharmaceutical solutions to bring you the best practical advice you can apply right now!


In this podcast episode, Khan interviews DeBaun, who is an internationally recognized and influential expert in electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) and protection from these emissions. As a former telecommunications engineer at Bell Labs and AT&T, Daniel has a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, iPads and cell phones. He is the author of the best-selling book Radiation Nation. Daniel and his son, Ryan, started DefenderShield in 2011 to supply people with protective shielding to block the radiation coming from our mobile electronic devices.


In this podcast episode, Khan and DeBaun discuss:

  • The different types of radiation present in our modern world
  • The damage that radiation from our mobile devices such as cell phones, Tablets, Laptops is causing to our bodies
  • Radiation from our devices consists of two different types: ELF and RF radiation.
    • ELF stands for Extremely Low Frequency. It is emitted from the internal circuits in wireless devices and in the wires connecting into the wall.
    • RF stands for Radio Frequency. It is emitted from your cell phone as it connects to the cell towers with a cellular signal, from Bluetooth when your phone connects to another device, and from the WiFi antenna to connect to the router.
  • How to minimize the damage from these devices


Enjoy the show!






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