Practical EMF Protection Tips from a Former Telecommunications Engineer – Practical Nontoxic Living Podcast

Practical EMF Protection Tips from a Former Telecommunications Engineer – Practical Nontoxic Living Podcast

Podcast Interview – Practical Nontoxic Living with Sophia Gushée


DefenderShield co-founder and EMF expert Daniel DeBaun talks with Sophia Gushee, a healthy home guru and nontoxic living specialist. Sophia wrote the book A to Z of D-Toxing, critically-acclaimed by some of the world’s leading physicians, researchers, and professors as well as conscious consumers.


Sophia has also been featured on popular media platforms, including the Dr. Oz Show, HEALTH magazine, Family magazine, MindBodyGreen,, and Well+Good.


In her Practical Nontoxic Living Podcast, Sophia and Dan discuss if the population should be worried about the 5G rollout. 5G is the next wireless communication network touted for a much greater speed and a greater bandwidth of data transmission. 5G will be rolled out worldwide, and aggressively throughout the United States.


This has many people wondering, will the 5G rollout be safe for my family and I?


Daniel DeBaun, a retired telecommunications engineer at Bell Labs and AT&T, describes EMFs as “bees in the room.” One bee won’t hurt you unless you are allergic. The more bees in the room, however, the greater the risk of getting hurt by the bees. You can think of EMF sources as bees. The more EMF sources, the greater the risk you will be harmed. 5G is a new species of bees that will be layered into our more-crowded-than-ever environment.


DeBaun founded his company DefenderShield after he realized that all electronic devices emit low levels of radiation called electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and that EMFs have been proven harmful after a long period of exposure close to the body. He couldn’t find a product that completely blocked all radiation coming from our mobile devices so he decided to make a shield that blocked up to 100% of mobile device emissions.


As an EMF-expert, Daniel co-authored a book with his son Ryan, called Radiation Nation. Radiation Nation is an easy-to-read guide to everything EMF, from current research to the best tips and tricks to protecting yourself from mobile device radiation.


In this interview you will learn:

  • Context around EMFs
  • How EMFs can affect our biology
  • How 5G will affect us
  • Our bodies’ own EMFs
  • How “grounding” works
  • EMF protection approaches that work


Enjoy the show!






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